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April 02, 2013 · 2 min read · life

Spring break has ended and now it’s time for Spring quarter. Which can only mean one thing: two and a half more months as a Green River student. Truth be told, I wasn’t exactly a happy camper when I first came here. I thought, “Crappy school, far away from the city. Can’t wait to transfer and get out of this ghost town!” Five quarters afterwards, I’m loathing graduation day--I’m really enjoying every second of my life, and I’d really hate to move. It’s just that I’ve gotten so used to Green River and it’s surroundings, and I feel that I’ve just settled in. I’ve got a job as a student marketing assistant, and even though it’s completely unrelated to my major, I’ve learned tons and met people whom I can call my mentors. I’m currently actively involved in two clubs on campus, and in fact, I sort of co-founded them. These are things I’m really proud of, and it is only now that I feel I’m actually contributing positively to my environment. I’ve also got quite a number of friends--maybe not that many, but I enjoy having a small group of really close friends who I’m sure I can count on.

So I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m scared. I’m scared of what life will bring. I’m scared that I won’t have many friends in my new university. I’m scared that I won’t be able to fit in. I’m scared that I will struggle in my new classes. I’m scared that I won’t be a good computer scientist. I’m scared that I chose the wrong major. I’m scared that I won’t get into a good university and I’m scared that I won’t be able to make my parents proud. In fact, I’m scared that I won’t be able to make my friends, teachers, supervisors, and family proud. I’m just...not ready.

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. -Neale Donald Walsch